The Shotokan Karate-Do Alliance International e.V. (SKAI), founded by Sensei Shinji Akita, originated from the Shotokan Karate Association (SKAI), which was established in Great Britain in 2003.
SKAI is a non-profit, apolitical organization open to everyone, regardless of gender, age, nationality, or background. It is an alliance of like-minded groups that promotes high standards in traditional Shotokan Karate.
As SKAI Netherlands, we are proud to be part of this international organization and to represent the Netherlands under the leadership of Sensei Stefan Meijer, 6th Dan.
SKAI offers Karateka a platform to expand their knowledge, network, and participate in national and international training sessions and tournaments. Members receive technical guidance and can achieve internationally recognized gradings.
"My vision is of a worldwide alliance of Shotokan Karate clubs that uphold the disciplines and traditions of Karate-do, placing technical excellence and spirit above popularity and material rewards." (Sensei Shinji Akita)
At Shotokan Karate Noord Nederland, we practice traditional karate while incorporating modern insights from contemporary karate.
It's possible to register as a member of our association after the first trial lesson!
Tuesdays and Thursdays
19:00 - 21:30